Positioning in writing

 - reflection on the history and on ourself

 The concept of capitalism and how it is relevant for our time

"Capitalism is an economic system based on the private ownership of the means of production and their operation for profit. Central characteristics of capitalism include capital accumulation, competitive markets, a price system, private property and the recognition of property rights, voluntary exchange and wage labor." (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Capitalism, requested 07.10.2020)

Capitalism dominates our current economic system. It influences and reasons most of the decisions we as individual make, because (apart from beeing autarkic) we depend on the wage labor to survive.

Who am I?

 Hi, my name is Damaris - this is a greek name and my parents choose it cause someone in the holy book is called same. And of course bacause it is has a nice verbatim. I like to eat good, local and high quality food. My talents lie in designing/shaping/creating as well as empathie. Normally I am super openminded, curious and polite but when I dont understand the reasoning of something I can get defiant and dont hide my opinion.

What is my ambition as a designer?

On a personal level I want to use my talent and contribute it to this world. On a holistic level I am the designer that changes the world - I dont write this because of an arrogant mindset, I write it as a personal commitment to continue question whatever I do/produce/support. Also I want to enhance that this is not about beeing a famous designer - there is no aim to spread my name or person at all, but sharing solutions and assistance for this life on planet earth.


What I can tell you about "beeing introvert" that no one ever heard before:

In my opinion beeing introvert is a gift - same as beeing extrovert would be one. There is a beautiful balance in the two that releases a lot of potential. As an introvert I only talk, when I think it is neccessairy and I have something to contribute. I carefully think before expressing my toughts. Just because I am only listening to the conversation and not speaking, does not mean I am not engaged.


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