
 - This weeks assignment was to dream around your BA Thesis

I had a nice talk with Fabian about our interests in the same direction of speculative society and humanity-nature relationship. One aspect that particulary stick to my mind was the question what our current Utopia for the future actually looks like. It made me think that my focus until then layed more on details or aspects and not on the holistic system. Thats why my dreams tried to explore a Utopia in my mind, but still it is only discribeable with aspects.

- My future vision draws a society with no hierarchy, a trashless ressource consumption and one-to-one replacement of everything we take out of nature, imaterial status symbols (if any at all), interesst-based careere desicions for everyone, acknowledgement of nursing/maintainance professions, freedom of religion/culture/opinions, ... I think I could go on forever with this list.


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