Course Feedback

- First, I would like to thank Joëlle and Jyoti for their support during the last few months. I experienced the lecturers as balanced and engaged during the sessions, which had an influence on the group climate.

Due to the progress I made I would rate the course structure as usefull and functional. One important sentence was very important for my mindset, please keep telling that to the coming students as well: "you will not be pushed back to what you wrote during this course, your idea can still change".

I found the ruffles concerning deadlines and deliverables a bit annoying in the sessions. These ruffles do not concern anyone, therefore they should not be thematised during the plenum session. Another method from the lecturers which was ment to bring reserved persons to speak I found repulsive. Naming people and force them to speak up does not fullfill my understanding of adult education.

- Last but not Least I want to express my greatfullness for the organised Free Flow Retreat. The exchange with peers and lecturers was very inspiring!


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